They came in and investigated my home was orderly, my children were healthy and clean, my ua came back negative. I dont know why I am even sane myself. In the mean time, watch this. I had to remain on Suboxone or Subutex for my entire pregnancy because of the risk of withdrawal causing preterm labor or miscarriage. Its so unfair they wont even let me breastfeed him so I keep on pumping. Stanislaus County? If you feel - or have ever felt - some of these feelings too, you are not alone. My son has showed up to visitation many times with marks and they have an excuse everytime. i became homeless due to i could not be in my home where my lil guy stayed and still is with ex. Losing custody of a child to child protection services is associated with significantly worse maternal mental health than experiencing the death of a child. I sent one out this morning. I lost a couple hpusea with eviction, he uses the unstable. I know what your feeling. Work with your court appointed lawyer and case worker. It is vital that you take care of yourself. Me who was told I couldnt have children because I had leukemia so with the chemo and radiation I was told I couldnt have kids but like I said God works in his mysterious ways because he gave me for beautiful babies. But one day I got on my knees and prayed talking to God like if he was my best friend asking him to forgive me that I couldnt live like anymore that I surrender myself to him that I leave all my problems in his hands. We even had money but we lost it all due to false allegations made by my evil step mother. How To Gain Clarity About a CPS Investigation,, A Law to Put a Dent in CPS Child Trafficking, Terms of Use, Compensation Disclosure, Privacy Policy, Request to Have Something Removed From the Site. You have got }, { You probably won't find many people who sympathize with people who work in this industry. My name is laura wright , my son was taken from me , hes now two months old im so very depressed I need guidance on how to handle this situation please help me .. Laura, please sign up for our message board so you can get feedback and support from the other parents there. Romans 8:28 doesnt promise that everything that happens is Gods will, nor that it is best for us. I bought a trunk for each of them. It was reported that two testified, but the other one was just present. Im so tired of people asking why arent you ever happy. Im still in shock by the lies that were allowed in as heart is broken and I feel so run down but refuse to give up. The empty chair/room/space never becomes less empty. Go to bed on time, eat regularly. Sometimes I have to get angry about what happened & let off a little steam in a healthy way so I can get myself out of that depressive state. And it does not seem fair that they prevented me from returning home where we were loved and could have a quality life and held me captive in a strange state where I have nothing or nobody Im praying for US all. Im doing what I can to help the greatest number of people at one time. You'll be thankful you did. That was long ago (dark ages I guess) in the early 1980s. He is the only one who can. : ). My case is the worst case I know and it makes people sick to tell them what happened. Why are they allowed to child trafficking. Im so scared now bc theyre saying that I dont have a chance in Hell and next month is the final court date :'( Monica Rands-Preuss is licensed both in California and Washington. Let them be honest. She monitors everything i say. Should being the operative word of course. They are with family 2000 miles away from me and my heart is broken, but at least they are not with strangers. It is not necessary to resort to the help of alcohol or drugs, also it is not necessary to appoint to itself serious drugs. They wouldnt let me leave and knew I would fail their expectations which I did and last month they took my two children from me. Why would my depression affect child custody under Texas law? Never give up on them. I couldnt believe something like that could have happened to me and the reasons why they took him were so dumb. Email me and I hope to hear back from you and hang in there. In the mean time, be the best mommy you can by setting the right example. Many of us have little or no money; those who have money, spend it all trying to fight their own battles before realizing that this is a world-wide epidemic. Still, depression could affect your parental rights, so its important to discuss your situation with a knowledgeable Austin child custody attorney. Im so sorry this happened to you. Shortly after news broke via The Sun on Tuesday . There are certain treatments for depression, but there is no specific treatment for grief, but counseling can be beneficial. Theyve already taken everything I have ever cared about and worked for my whole adult life. They have came home December 4 2020 from foster care due to false allegations, and then they got tooken away December 18. Please pray for me.. this has been a month from hell. So did the guilt. Mothers who have lost the custody of their children are also seen to have a higher risk of anxiety and depression, and substance use. This post would have been helpful if I wasnt atheist. dear jaded feather, The caseworker defends EVERY nefarious action. (We lived with my parents). One 2015 study of 2,512 bereaved adults (many of whom were mourning the loss of a child) found little or no evidence of depression in 68 percent of those surveyed shortly after the tragedy. This is history people Cps and the government are out of control. I am wondering who you reported this to. I will pray for you. depression after losing custody of child . My husband has a new attorney, with a brighter perspective. I am at fault for my situation. 108 Wild Basin Rd S Suite 250, Texas statute on Conservatorship, Possession, and Access. Jen, Im so so sorry to hear of your TPR I hope you will appeal. Some answers to the most frequently asked questions may also be helpful. My addiction is not her weight to bear and I refuse to ever let her little lips have to tell someone that she doesnt remember her real mother because she was only 2 yrs old when her mom died of a heroin overdose. I was lying in bed sobbing because my son will be turning 4 in just a couple of weeks. Losing a child. because it doesnt stop and it hurts us more than anyone would understand. I need help. There is a spiritual battle going on that is bigger than America. Jesus is the Way. I had my six children yanked. Lost life my heart goes out to you. Also-now there is another rx pill-called a mood stabilizer that helps with the depression. Create a ritual in your sibling's memory. It is a horrible experience for a child and mother to be separated. Do not be like those people who committed suicide. There is nobody who will help. This will pass. Offer open-ended support. What is so important from our negative experiences is that we LEARN from them. I am 40 years old and my children and 2 and 6. they was almost home staying the weekends and then a bomb hit.. they said I failed for weed and coke I have never seen my results when I ask they said my lawyer had to get them well he never did crap for me I lost my kids November 12 2015.. I encourage you to stay around for the long haul, and be the person you know your son will want to find when hes allowed to be near you again. A judge will only make custody decisions based on the best interests of a child. Lord knows I need a support system and Lord knows Im willing to support others going through this nightmare. Yes, Ive started a petition. You can leave a prayer request on this page. Could you and your mother get guardianship papers drawn up and filed before the court date? TX No response of course. We all have problems. To ease the pain get out of the house take walks, be in nature pray. Maybe write letters to your children, and one day when you see them again, you can give them the letters (even if they are grown) You said you are lost in your feelings-write your feelings down! Seek out support groups and support systems from family and friends. My name is Janelle. by . Attend a worship service with beautiful uplifting music at least once each week. i had recently relapsed leading me to seek help ?i didnt want to get bad again so i told my ex and next day he brought me to get help. Lawyers are paid by the state and dont do anything. But soon after the mother began allowing their male child identified in legal documents as "L." to . I give my God the glory, anyway. My son is out of prison now and is working and doing well but he made a mistake he will always have to live with this. Im now 49 they are 29 and 30. She will always be within me to keep going. They are trying to get legislation passed to give rights that the Constitution deems unalienable, back to parents. Ive been traumatized so much by this Ive gotten my tubed tied. I do not know if that is good. For the longest time i was the only one saying no for everything. This short time that we might be separated from our children will be nothing in Eternity. Amy, my heart goes out to you. SHOW ME THE WAY! Did your son get adopted out? Call me at eight 1 six 6 four 5 four 1 five 2. The key is proving that your depression will not have an adverse effect on your ability to act as a parent. What can I do to motivate this case worker to reunite us all faster. I take Abilify-It helps a lot by giving me gumption to beat do-nothingism. Placement of my son is with her, the actual perpetrator of the DV. But the case has been going on for so long, if the children are with their fathers now the judge will probably want to keep them in a stable place. I know who wins, and I know which side I am on. The psychological effects of child custody battles surface in a number of other waysfrom acting out to trouble sleeping to child custody depressionand do vary based on the age and maturity of the child. Ive been depressed for years but this is a whole new type of depression. Most parents who lose custody of their children were NOT drug or alcohol abusers, or neglectful, or abusive in any way, shape or form of their children. Express your grief in creativity. There is a possibility that losing custody of your child can cause you to develop Post traumatic disorder because of how stressful of an event this change can be. Poems of Sorrow and Grieving | Poetry Foundation honey before bed for weight loss; fondation cartier tickets; incharge debt solutions; liberation of german pow camps; aldo clear heels with rhinestones. There are many thousands of families that have been through this. I dont know what to do! You are not alone and there is always help. Take your troubles to Him by making time for prayer whenever youre feeling overwhelmed. Im losing my resolve!!! My baby barely knows me. Grief is an emotional reaction to the loss of loved ones, which usually manifests itself in sadness and crying. My sons were adopted by my husbands twin(fraternal not identical) brother and his wife and she happens to be an attorney in the same town as the cps case and get this in the SAME DEPARTMENT!!! You can find a lot of help there. The grief journey has many emotional peaks and valleys and lasts far longer than society in general recognizes. You may feel numb, shocked, and fearful. Please also know that this too shall pass, one day our children will be all grown and cps cant touch them! The reason why you feel lost is because your identity as a mother is being shaken now that you are without your kids. I told her that instead of laughing with her they were laughing at her. my email is:, and my name is Brandi!! They usually don't even have a criminal record and have never been to jail. My only child, a precious little girl was stolen from me September of 2015 after a nasty bout of post partum depression. Sleep may be difficult for a while. The only reason I dont end it all is because Im afraid of what I would face on the other side. God has given me the grace and mercy to handle this. One of the symptoms of depression is suicidal ideation. Did you ever find that group to fight. Disclaimer: Reading information on this website does not constitute the formation of an attorney-client relationship with our firm. She has been practicing family law since 1994. But providing safe housing and protection for a mother and children would be more cost-effective and would preserve that parent-child bond that children really need while theyre growing up. has beautiful music and uplifting messages 24/7, Linda Jo Martin What a truly heartfelt gift to all working through the pain and all we have lost in this WAR. It suggests that we go through five distinct stages after the loss of a loved one. Hi I lost my kids to cps as well it started in 2008 they were ages seven three and two family friends started lies cps believe them and they took my kids finaly adoptioning them the family that started the lies in august my oldest got ahold of me and I seen my girls it felt like a huge pain was lifted but there adopted family cut me off well tried my oldest still texts me a lot its great my youngest doesnt know of me its just hard cuz know Im confused and dont know what to do and Im scared my daughter has been brainwashed or Im not good enough and I will fail her please help me I missed my two youngest first days of school and Im missing out on their life I cant get that back I have hidden this pain for a long time Im ivyness of our women who have there kids I dont wanna be that person where is the happy full of life person. The scientific basis of child custody decisions (2nd ed., pp. couldnt get anything else on me so they made that up..and violated my constitutional rights and my childs constitutional rights by asking him questions app dad told them they was not allowed without me or an attorney present and thats too bad of a court order which they did not and could not produce and said they didnt have to have one.. You have no idea how much I needed to find this page tonight. I enrolled in parenting classes, and I am taking drug classes also, because my ex-sister in law told the police that I was on the floor drugged up, and my daughter claims she told the police that all this was not true. Try to communicate with the other parent/guardian so that there is an open line of communication.. Seek out professional help to manage stress through therapy. When losing an adult child, the grief can be compounded by guilt, by the loss of a friend, by the contemplation of our own mortality, and by the reality that the end of life is perceived as progressively less tragic the older a person gets. It has been nearly 3 years and i totally feel exactly like you do!! Even if your son stays with his mom, he will be thinking about you. Its killing me and I dont know what to do. Study depression. Molly is rated AV - the highest possible rating- by her peers through the Martindale and Hubble rating process and has been recognized as a Superb Family Law attorney and Client's Choice 2012 by My own mother went to the state and got me to terminated my rights and said i could never have another child. However, it is important for you to remember that the things you do as self-care can be anything that you deem is good for you and what is necessary- even if it means taking it one day at a time or sleeping in. financial distress form california. For nothing in this world can replace a child you've had to lose. 3.) God and God alone has given each biological parent right to their children. Some kind of belief system will help you find meaning in all this mess. I hope this helps you. Stopping contact with a child after losing custody is the worst decision. Stop! I think it has made it harder for my kids. They can also present very differently in men versus women. Everytime I think about all the milestones Im missing out on, all the fun things we use to do or even just having my babies in the bed cuddled up at night it kills me. Im thankful for the good and the bad. I do know Oregon State it is foreign to me and I was lured up here by family members who promised us a big loving family.. but Instead we were abused.. lied to and manipulated.. There is real evil in this world and what happened was pure evil. After losing a child, parents may find themselves experiencing shock, denial, anger, depression, hopelessness, guilt, isolation, disorganized thoughts, feelings of acceptance, and/or a host of other possible thoughts and feelings. I had to miss my visitation with my kids to undergo rehab in a different county for 3 months in which I successfully graduated. I havent seen them since 2009. Dont turn from God when you need him most. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18. He twists himself around so that hes back in daddys arms. When i had gotten to TN i had to live with a friend and her husband and children in a camper. I do not want to face God not having put forth my best effort. God gives each of us on this earth a free will. i dont have anyone to talk to about what im going thru !! I can see you have tons of info and have been kind to dedicate to showing the info you know. Put this on a site thats likely to be permanent like Facebook or or I take one a day but you can take two a day if you need to. Write down everything!!! Every time I started feeling sad and crying I just told myself no I didnt do anything wrong. Grieving this loss is an individualized process that can be captured in poetry about losing a child. I think thats mainly for family court cases, when CPS isnt involved. The misery of family disunity and dysfunction plus the interference of do-gooder government agencies make this country treacherous for many, many parents. Very loved, I pray every day that i could go back and change the mistakes I made. To several children. Only contact was when my 12 year old randomly calls me two times begging to come home. Your therapist can help you make necessary lifestyle changes that can help you manage your depression and its symptoms. Honey you Louisiana is hell come to Arkansas just be poor they will take them put up for adoption before they terminate your rights i have seen this go on blacks and drug heads get their kids back but someone white, poor, trying to get a life for themselves and their children, going to college. The Workers said that if they did not spend it, they would get cut next year because apparently it was not necessary they didnt want that. Symptoms of complicated grief include: trouble thinking about anything other than your loved one's death. Depression drains your energy. I later found my older son- age 28- on his knees in my room screaming and crying also. You have to do the work and show them (DHS) that you are stable and to be trusted by their standards. But if they are not, work on yourself. May also be helpful peaks and valleys and lasts far longer than society in general recognizes associated significantly... 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