teachers reflection about classroom management

This is a comprehensive classroom management plan that has worked for me for many years. 450. Without a classroom that is organized with instilled discipline then it will be difficult for students to, I have learned that leaders need to be visible and model the desired behaviors that the school is expecting from its students. This doesnt mean that they arent a challenge or that they dont bring with them a host of poor habits and behaviors. Bridging the gap between teacher and learner in this way suggests that compassionby teachers for their students, for themselves, and for each otheris central to teaching and learning culturally responsive engagement. I feel that it would be helpful to have a model. Im struggling with implementing many of the concepts I have learned from your blog and I just want to see them in action, specifically a teacher giving instructions for how to do a procedure or a game. The ultimate goal of my classroom management is not to manage control of the class but to ensure that everyone meets my expectations in order for them to learn in an effective and supportive environment but to teach students self-discipline and to understand the rules and consequences of my classroom by acting accordingly. Now that we are heading back to in person, they took away my tables to give to homeroom teachers (.) And educators do tend to reflect on their teaching methods. Confidence Building: Classroom management strategies give a sense of confidence to the budding teachers. I wonder what Michael would think about Agape Management or if there is anyone else you/he would recommend more. Since it happens so rarely I would think the odds of getting caught are slim. Put SCM to the test for one month. Please include examples of workshops, trainings, and/or life . If they maintain busy with instruction then they will not have time to be disruptive and they need to be guided to behave appropriately. Some teachers often talk about how they come to the realization that they teach in ways that are the same as or similar to how they were taught in school, she observes. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UKEssays.com. We as teacher need o communicate to our students what we expect from them and how we expect them to act in our classrooms. I had no idea what to do. The higher the level of reflection teachers have, the more motivated the teachers to explore new teaching practices not only for the learning needs of students in classroom but also for the society outside classroom. Reflective practitioners often ask questions about their own practices and critically assess what they see in the classroom. They do not have to cash their tickets in at each benchmark. Some examples of reflective open-ended . Aspects of positive teaching and learning are explored. Teachers might also use the spectrum, she suggests, for self-assessmentplacing ones current teaching practice on the spectrum, setting goals for moving that placement, and gauging the distance on the spectrum between ones own practice and the classroom practices of others. Another important classroom management technique is the positive phone call home. Pinto suggests that teachers use the cycle diagram to analyze their classroom-management strategies, actions, or habits. Word Document File. If you arent having fun email me. A commonbut destructivestrategy is to publicly identify students who are disruptive or act out. What book do i get to transform my class. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on reviews.co.uk. Classroom management ppt 1 Feb. 20, 2016 121 likes 104,096 views Download Now Download to read offline Education Classroom Management Marie Lyn Adezas Agcol Follow Advertisement Advertisement Recommended Classroom management powerpoint jlm083 100.9k views 12 slides Classroom Management DrAbey Thomas 56.8k views 118 slides The inventory consists of statements that describe classroom performance related to the Standards for teachers. hbbd```b`` Without it, teaching becomes quite difficult and everything else could easily fall apart. In From Discipline to Culturally Responsive Engagement: 45 Classroom Management Strategies (Corwin, 2013) Laura E. Pinto offers an introduction to cultural competency and responsiveness, a primer on three major approaches to classroom management, and a handbook of strategies to try out in the classroom. In this EdWeek blog, an experiment in knowledge-gathering, Ferlazzo will address readers' questions on classroom management, ELL instruction, lesson planning, and other issues facing teachers. A new book proposes ways for educators to rethink classroom management with a critical eye to their own practices and the evidence provided by research and experience. According to the results, teachers' reflections on classroom management represented various approaches. In a virtual environment, keep the questions personal to individual students, rather than reflecting on how the class is doing as a whole. He proposes that schools adopt a data equity approach and examine how opportunities, outcomes, and environments differ along racial lines. Are certain groups disproportionately targeted by disciplinary policies? My classroom management plan goal is to teach students self-discipline so they will discipline themselves. Learn from districts about their MTSS success stories and challenges. Teaching students that learning is forever can put meaning behind what students are currently being taught. One classroom management practice that we used in my kindergarten class was a golden ticket system. Classroom Management as Reflective Practice, Harry and Rosemary Wong: Following Up on First Days, Social-Emotional Programs Target Students Long-Term Behavior, For Teachers, Wired Classrooms Pose New Management Concerns, Instructional Coaches Dissect Classroom-Management Challenges, Teachers Share Advice on Classroom Management, Book Review: Classroom Management as Reflective Practice, Opinion: Reducing Student-Behavior Problems: Notes From a High School Teacher, Opinion: Power Struggles, Paychecks, and Positivity: My Career as a Classroom Manager, Inside Classroom Management: Ideas and Solutions, Reducing Student-Behavior Problems: Notes From a High School Teacher, What Would Motivate Teens to Work Harder in School? I love the SCM articles and have purchased one of the plans. Told that I had weak routines, no structure, and needed to improve student engagement. Teachers are respected and liked by their students, and students are socially-competent and responsible. It is usually enough). Scores of studies show that teachers inadvertently perceive students of color as being less capable and more aggressive than White students, and may apply rules inconsistently, which can erode trust and relationships. I was one of them. The book calls for educators to take on nontraditional practicessuch as cultural competency, inclusion, and mindfulness about their classroom practiceswhile also acknowledging the challenge of altering ingrained habits. If you dont know whats possible, if youve never seen whole-class transformation, then its hard to believe it exists. And yet, a handful of my students ruined it for everyone. You must be devoted and passionate for what you are doing in these young childrens lives. Reflection can help teachers to recognize their thinking and can help to recognize always the same mistakes. I plan to use progress monitoring as a major academic assessment strategy in my classroom. Think about it and we can talk later before recess. However, I know that once I am assigned my grade level and subjects, I will definitely have to use other resources to brush up my knowledge on the content I am going to teach. A reflective teacher is an effective teacher. They know our principles and strategies as well as I do and are able to put them into practice predictably and effectively year after year and with class after class. Teaching or training practices and/or life experiences that have enabled or would enable you to more effectively engage with and support success for diverse populations. Try skipping the lecture and putting together a student project instead. To establish positive relationships, teachers can: Without active maintenance, relationships deteriorate over time, the study authors point out. MTSS is a powerful framework for supporting student success, but implementation can be challenging. Reproducible worksheets are inserted throughout the book, to be used as templates for peer- or self-assessment and to prompt group feedback. Find teaching jobs and other jobs in K-12 education at the EdWeek Top School Jobs virtual career fair. Another essential aspect is that I must make learners aware that they have the right of freedom of expression although it comes with a responsibility to ensure they do not abuse this right therefore instilling morals and values in to the learners. Many articles, books, and philosophies on classroom management seem to be geared toward elementary school teachers. qrkkl.s)BFN7, Innovative methods for transforming common classroom management struggles into opportunities for positive change and for changing negative behaviors into positive interactions are explained. Thanks for the advice Chris! Its the same as with any profession. She insists on self-reflection and mindfulness not to imply that teachers must assess themselves and claim one (and only one) spot on the classroom-management spectrum, but to argue that classroom management can be an ever-changing, ever-evolving practice. Lead poisoning and food insufficiency affect brain development and self-control. Search over ten thousand teaching jobs nationwide elementary, middle, high school and more. Since they are new in the teaching industry, with the help of these strategies, they can become strong figures in front of their students. Originality/value: This study underlines the . Pinto invites teachers to learn and reflect alongside their students, framing her discussion of classroom management around principles and practices that form the underpinnings of adult learning, as documented in research. While this may be obvious for veteran teachers, research shows that teacher training programs still tend to be focused on establishing strict rules while imposing consequences for misbehavior. Im sure they think terribly of me. ET. But its not up to teachers alone. Being committed to students and their learning is the first step I took to beginning my teaching career, and one that I believe every aspiring teacher takes. These assessments helped us to group students initially based upon their abilities coming into the school year. Furthermore I must ensure I perpetuate good values and serve as a role model for the learners in my classroom. Philosophy incorporates pertinent and appropriate information from course textbooks; Classroom Management: Models, Applications, and Cases; Teacher-and Tested Classroom Management Strategies From there, simply add an introduction and conclusion and you are done. If two students are misbehavingfor example, if theyre being disruptiveit may be for different reasons. This not only led to more discipline problems, but also decreased interest in applying to college. Are disciplinary measures producing the desired outcomes? I do not have my own classroom yet and have only obtained one year of experience, last school year, as an elementary aide for a kindergarten and first-grade classroom. Acquire the latest educational methods to include everyone and learn how to navigate the most common behavioral issues. Classroom Management Reflection 933 Words4 Pages Discipline, classroom management, and creating community in the classroom begins the first moment a student meets a teacher. I have experience with various grades and demographics. This study examined 14 sixth grade teachers' opinions about classroom management, gathering information from an online discussion group conducted during the summer of 1997. They will respond even more if it improves their understanding of things you are teaching, improves the way time is used in the classroom (bright kids hate to have learning time wasted on discipline as much as teachers do.) I also give him the choice of sitting with me, or walking around the track with me. Im constantly telling them Im watching them to get them to behave which feels awful! Reflection on Teaching by Student Teacher Please provide a self-reflection to your mentor under the following headings (what worked, what didn't and how to improve). They knew I would do whatever I could, within feasible realms, to be there for them. Teachers can use simple rules selected by themselves prior to students entering the classroom or wait until the first day to collaborate with students to decide on the best rules for the class. Having routines in place, clear directions, and classroom rules that are visually placed in the classroom are very important in running a systematic classroom. Classroom management strategies for teachers help maintain an organized environment. Do I use the exact same plan for them? Ive seen it over and over again. Expect them to be amazing and you will have the time of your life. The study used an early field experience model that was focused on the objective of profiling an elementary science teacher as the practical merit of reflection. teaching is a complex process that involves decision making and structured reflection. Thank you for your informational blog. I would feel more comfortable adhering to the tenets of a school adopted classroom management program to start with because it is familiar with what students have been seeing as a school wide concept but then to see what specific classroom related rules I may. One popular observational instrument to evaluate teaching is the Classroom Assessment Scoring System--Secondary (CLASS-S). I believe that students are basically good but that the environment around them influences them tremendously. For example, a 2019 study found that teachers often give Black students fewer warnings to correct their misbehavior before being sent to the principals office, when compared to their White peers. Kids at this point in the year respond to anything that isnt the same old thing! The Chance to Redo Assignments. I need to create an environment in which teachers feel comfortable in asking for help, sharing input and suggestions as well as reinforcing to all my staff that I value each ones input and no one has the right to dominate policies or discussions. These students knew they could call on me to assist them with anything they needed. While these calls are necessary and worthwhile, calls for celebration are equally, if not more, important. Reflective teaching means looking at what you do in the classroom, thinking about why you do it, and thinking about if it works - a process of self-observation and self-evaluation. If you dont believe me, give us a chance to prove it to you. Not having my own classroom responsibilities or full-time teaching position has limited my experience as a member of a learning community or me having extra duties outside of teaching each day. Ive thought a lot about this question. This allowed them to work at their own pace, but allowed us to see where each student stood regarding the success of knowing and reciting their words. 1. Also, being able to interact with students is critical, for if you do not have that relationship with them, it will be hard to teach. There are skills you can learn that will allow you to walk into any classroom in the world and transform those students into your dream class. These students began to entrust in me and feel a sense of security from our relationship. *You can also browse our support articles here >. In my closing reflections on the research . If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! These students often received snacks from their teachers due to family situations. It was a lot of work and tough, tough self reflection. I had students climbing on furniture, crawling out the windows, spitting on me, ripping apart books, and breaking every single thing they could get their hands on. I still struggle daily and am really hard on myself for not totally implementing what I have learned. Student tardiness or absences are tracked on data walls, which can further harm students by publicly displaying low test scores and grades. My students get very chaotic at the beginning of anything fun and exciting. Most people think if a teacher is teaching a subject then they should be a mere expert in the content. Ive experienced it myself every single year of teaching, in every grade, and in the most challenging schools on Earth. I loved to see the students in a different setting other than school. But the sheer scale is what is so surprising. We teachers can use reflective teaching as a way to . To fully embrace cultural responsiveness and inclusion, she suggests, teachers must account for the possibility that certain groups of students may be more comfortable, or even thrive, in response to these strategies. The goal is to ensure all students feel a sense of belonging that is characterized by trust, connection, and understanding, Cook and his colleagues explain. Teachers tend to be frustrated because they aren't given the proper training to use the equipment given, and it is another thing to add to their plate and police in the classroom. Over a thousand district-level jobs: superintendents, directors, more. A small few realize their classroom management shortcomings, go on a hunt for what really workswhich is no easy taskand turn their career around. Click here and begin receiving classroom management articles like this one in your email box every week. We also have over 600 articles in our archive covering every classroom management and successful teaching topic imaginable. Revisions may be necessary about this, but at least you have a great first draft. I do not have my own classroom yet and have only obtained one year of experience, last school year, as an elementary aide for a kindergarten and first-grade classroom. "Instead, effective management is about supporting students to manage themselves throughout daily learning and activities." Misbehavior may also be a healthy part of a childs social and emotional development. Edutopia and Lucas Education Research are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U.S. and other countries. A university-school system partnership is bolstering the alignment of a high school research course with college expectations. All work is written to order. Nearly all give false praise among other things. Instead of being frustrated, teachers should try to embrace this tech and look for ways that it can be used to enhance lessons and engage students in the lesson. 3. In order to be effective classroom management decision makers we need to have competence in: the theoretical knowledge They are warm, perceptive and they are open. I will have to work on communication as a leader, both expressing my expectations to my staff as well as listening. Its hardly mentionedat least, in an effective sense. I was thrown under the bus. And when it is, its about doling out rewards, guiding community circles, and using false praise. Hi I would also like to see SCM in action because I have a hard time teaching ,spotting all the behaviours and giving warnings totally consistently all at once. Here you can choose which regional hub you wish to view, providing you with the most relevant information we have for your specific region. Teachers who make it a practice to expand their knowledge and channel it into the classroom tend to engage student learning. They called 911 from my room phone. Find hundreds of jobs for principals, assistant principals, and other school leadership roles. hUmo0+q0 U&iUuR,u$Z!&p^P?0!X:T#P$>8MVx.y$>|Vsr*TkxRjF6zD9e Classroom management techniques may get things back on track, but valuable time has already been lost. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on UKEssays.com then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! beliefs, and viewpoints of the teachers toward their self-reflection on classroom management (possible) problems. Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. This research is an analysis of teachers' self-reflection on classroom management; a comparative case study of University EFL male and female teachers. Good classroom management requires that you build a solid relationship based on trust and empathy: "Classroom management is not about controlling students or demanding perfect behavior," researchers explain in a 2014 study. I have been using your plan ever since I found it. Create a free account to save your favorite articles, follow important topics, sign up for email newsletters, and more. The truth is, and this isnt easy for a lot of teachers to hear . Search thousands of jobs, from paraprofessionals to counselors and more. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? The hardest was to get rid of The Look and I still have to apologize to a kid on occasion for doing it. He has always chosen to sit on the bleachers. In an article titled "Teacher Reflection In a Hall of Mirrors: Historical Influences and Political Reverberations," researcher . In order to best help learners, Pinto argues, teachers must themselves be in the mindset for learning. After recording a classroom lesson, teachers are able to view the video, take notes based on the specific goal, and reflect on the implementation of the lesson. I had structure. Instructional Coaching Video Self-Reflection Form for Teachers by Simply Coaching and Teaching 5.0 (8) $3.00 PDF This form comes in BOTH Google Slides and PDF Printable. My classroom was a veritable utopia of high interest items that I introduced slowly over time. This paper describes an exploratory study that examined the content of preservice elementary teachers' reflections of their documented early field experiences of science teaching in authentic contexts. In this context they point to teachers' social and Nonverbal responses such as the look or hand signals are also effective ways to subtly encourage students to pay attention. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2022 Smart Classroom Management - All Rights Reserved, The Perfect 5-Minute Exercise Break For Students And, How Coward Teachers And Administrators Are Ruining Our, https://smartclassroommanagement.com/the-smart-classroom-management-plan-for-high-school-teachers/. Dont put this on us. programs and school districts underemphasize the importance of classroom management. Defining a misbehavior by how it looks tells us nothing about why it occurred and often doesn't help in our behavior-change efforts, the researchers explain. Education researchers and classroom teachers weigh in on what works. Throughout her book, Pinto stresses the use of mindfulness, seeing it as a heightened awareness of the implications of particular actions (and the connections between them). During my field experience I have noticed that my cooperative teacher has taken away fun activities/ labs in class because of the way that students were behaving and this has shown a positive impact on their behavior in future classes because the teacher follows thru with what she says she will do if they do not behave. .P pI@0'Dq%POI7kd1ESD:&. Classroom management was ignored entirely in my two year program at a state university. Within the study, 183 preschool teachers participated. Self Reflection Tool on the Ten Wisconsin Teaching Standards. Three: Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. So its important for teachers to intentionally reconnect with students to restore the relationship to a positive state. Pinto defines three positions. Students should feel that they are in a safe, nurturing and supporting environment where they can learn. Behaviors help students obtain something desirable or escape something undesirable, she writes. This is because meaningful learning takes place when students are in safe environment (Kauffman et al., 2006). The only request he has is to have clear and concise classroom rules and individually hold students accountable for those rules. A 2016 study found that negative attentionpointing out when students arent paying attention or are briefly talking in class, for exampleoften made students feel less connected tothe class, leading to more behavioral issues later on. I had days I gave snacks out of my lunchbox to students who did not have one thing to eat for a snack. Classroom observations provide teachers with constructive critical feedback to reflect upon their classroom management and instructional techniques. Courses 452 View detail Preview site Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. A three-phase process helps buildstrong teacher-student bonds, which can reduce disruptive behavior. However, teachers have differing styles through which they use to obtain these standards. Then we went back in and continued the lesson. *{1N~/fCi8sMY`]xlmT>cT8e/uN/86vtfQ]OeW`]"3J,|Sp/yNcxi%2zkvAt%qJ\# [gG6%YfVQV|`F}~z@CG7c,c#[M]a+_?+GQSCRy1D(l#"Ejgz-= We had a pocket chart with each childs name on a pocket and this is where they keep their golden tickets. . On the first day of school, this will be a critical topic we cover in the classroom. When what you see year after year is misbehavior, disrespect, and middling improvement, and what you experience is stress and dissatisfaction, its only natural to be a skeptic. What you assume about your colleagues from the way they carry themselves, from their professionalism and knowledge, is often all wrong. Classroom management professional learning discussion guide; Best practices - creating a positive learning environment; Data collection and analysis for evaluation - reference guides for teachers; Using data with confidence; General capabilities: A perspective from cognitive science discussion guide; Supporting advocacy at school reflection . I was not allowed to tell parents/guardians. Pintos hope is that they will do so with an understanding of their own motivations. I eagerly stepped in and participated in every single part of the instruction that went on in the classes. There are three different approaches to classroom management and they include essentialism, constructivism, and social reform. CM involves teachers' efforts to oversee classroom activities such as learning, social interaction,. When an adult induces the belief that one is unworthythen self-respect and self-assurance, central ingredients of thoughtful autonomy, are undermined., A Fall-Hamilton elementary school in Nashville, every classroom has a peace corneran alternative to a time-out corner that gives students an opportunity to calm down, reflect on their thoughts and feelings, and practice self-regulation skills. Just not sure if I need to tweak it for younger students. I have 15 second graders, several have ADHD and are extremely active. Simply put, classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to ensure that their classroom runs smoothly, without disruptive behavior from students. Anything that smacks of punishment is abhorrent to them. Self-reflection is a simple way to dig deeper into your feelings and find out why you were doing something or feeling a certain way. I hope to have a smart board and internet access in my future classroom to be able to really tap into technology that will be needed to drive some of the curricula. Four: Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience. When the class went out I told her that her outbursts frightened the children and it will be easier making friends if they werent afraid. In regards to classroom management and behavior, I will create a welcoming and positive learning environment so that students feel safe and secure. If teachers can figure out what a students goals are, they can address the misbehavior in a more productive way. The data of the study was collected using Pre-school Teachers' Classroom Management Skills Scale (CMSS) and Thinking Supportive Teacher Behaviours Scale (TSTBS). I would do it anyway. What happens before and after the behavior? And ensure you get the most possible from your students. 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